Thursday 27 November 2014


I had a piece of software recommended to me for creating normal maps, and displacement maps called CrazyBump. I have since downloaded it and started playing. It allows you to adjust the look of the maps while seeing real time what it would look like on a 3D model.

Wednesday 26 November 2014

Alphas in ZBrush

Photoshopped Alphas

Original Scans

Scanned Alpas

I saw the image below while doing visual research and saw the words "3D scan" in the bottom left corner and saw the fabric seam and it gave me an idea. I thought that creating alphas through scanning textured objects was an interesting idea. It could be rubbish but we'll have to see.

Tuesday 25 November 2014

First Alpha Brush

This was my very first attempt at making an Alpha brush in ZBrush. I used a photo found on the internet, processed it on photoshop and loaded it into ZBrush. And it worked!

Another Useful Tutorial