Monday 24 November 2014

Learning Agreement

Throughout this course we have completed many projects and within reviewing these, my tutors and I have identified a few strengths of mine. My ever-growing interest in science fuels many of my themes as I use the facts and figures as the backbone to my work. This alongside my love of accuracy translates to my work having quite an obvious mathematical influence. Using data as my building blocks in my previous projects, I have created both a fractal animation showing the levels of electrical energy generated per country and diagrams showing the exact scale of our solar system and the planets within it, accurate to the pixel. As you can see I take quite and info graphic approach to my work but this really works well with me.

Working with mainly digital platforms, my understanding of various software and how they work has always been something I seem to be naturally good at, but this year I would like to challenge myself. I would like to venture into the world of 3D Computer Graphics. Computer animation and games have always been a fascination of mine and the dream is to work for a company like Dreamworks or Pixar. I would like to use this year as an opportunity to build a suitable portfolio and work on the skills I need to potentially become a digital 3D sculpture or texture artist.

The final product of this project will be a smaller but very detailed and complete section of a 3D model. I feel that creating an entire finished model will be too much for the time frame given for the Pre-Major project but is a potential outcome to the Final Major Project. This means that this work will very much act as a practice run where I am constantly learning and self evaluating.

I will start off this project with simple concept work and idea mapping progressing to experimentation with textures using multiple techniques. Through this experimentation I should develop a technique or process I am happy with more to give me more of an idea of the direction I will be taking this project in. I plan to use hand rendered materials and softwares such as Adobe Photoshop in the initial stages. Then proceeding to use software such as Zbrush and Maya, which are the main two pieces of software used in industry. For my Pre-Major project I need to get as much practice as I can of using these.

I will be mainly using a blog to record my development process and to self evaluate and reflect on my work but also so initial sketchbook work in the concept and experimental stages.

I am fortunate enough to be friends with some people working for MPC (Moving Picture Company) in London and they have said they are more than happy to answer any questions I have and help me to learn all I need to. The main one is Daniel Jack whose work can be seen at


A1 To provide myself with further opportunities for extended independent study.

A2 To encourage myself to focus upon an individual project as a means of exploring and clarifying concerns for the remainder of my Level 6 studies.

A3 To consolidate my ability to respond to the inter-relationship between theory and practice evaluation.

Learning Outcomes:

On completion of this unit I will be able to:

LO1 Demonstrate the ability to develop a sustained piece of independent creative work.

LO2 Clarify theoretical and practical areas for exploration during the subsequent Major Project in relation to my self-development and vocational aspirations.

LO3 Demonstrate my ability to develop creative work which responds to theoretical issues and questions.

Assessment requirements

For assessment I will produce a development sketchbook, including concept work and experimental ideas, a blog for research, development work and self-evaluation leading to a final design that will be displayed on a digital platform. 100%

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