Friday 24 October 2014

New Book

I have just bought this book to help me get started with this project. It should be arriving next week and help to inspire this project. 

"ZBrush has quickly become an integral part of the 3D modeling industry. ZBrush Character Sculpting: Volume 1 examines the tools on offer in this ground-breaking software, as well as presenting complete projects and discussing how ZSpheres make a great starting point for modeling. Drawing on the traditional roots of classical sculpture, this book also investigates how these teachings can be successfully applied to the 3D medium to create jaw-dropping sculpts. Featuring industry experts including Rafael Grassetti, Michael Jensen and Cedric Seaut, ZBrush Character Sculpting: Volume 1 is brimming with detailed character-based tutorials covering topics such as monsters, manimals and fantasy creatures. This book also boasts a substantial series of inspirational galleries, ranging from turn-table shots of finished sculpts through to a breakdown of subdivisions to show how detail can be steadily built into a model. Capped by a traditional image gallery, ZBrush Character Sculpting: Volume 1 contains a wealth of advice and knowledge that will benefit aspiring and veteran modelers alike."

Friday 10 October 2014

Investigative Study

Tutors: Paul Roberts

Ref: ILL650

Level: 6

Credit: 20

Weighting: 1

Study Time: 200 hours

Unit Commences: 29th September 2014

Unit Deadline: 7th January 2015

Description: In this unit you will conduct an Investigative Study on a topic relevant to your subject
specialism, and produce a focused argument structured within a written project of 5,000
words that will demonstrate appropriate levels of critical understanding, analysis and
theoretical application.

Outline Syllabus:
• Realisation of Investigative Study topic and title
• Structure of written work
• Development of critical argument through the application of research
• Use of theoretical frameworks
• Application of academic protocols

Method of delivery: Group debate on issues relating to individual Investigative Study proposals.
Individual tutorials to support your development and progress including preparation,
discussion and feedback on the written project in progress.

A1 - To identify, and define the area of research in relation to appropriate theoretical and
cultural frameworks.
A2 - To apply the skills required to plan research, formulate and present a written
A3 - To investigate theoretical and cultural contexts appropriate to the area of research.

Learning Outcomes:
LO1 - Demonstrate independent judgement in the selection of appropriate research
methodologies and theoretical and cultural sources to compile a coherent position.
LO2 - Demonstrate the ability to analyse evidence, and to draw together ideas within a
particular area of study.
LO3 - Demonstrate the ability to plan, research, formulate and write a sustained piece of
academic writing using appropriate academic protocols.

Assessment Components: Written Investigative Study of 5,000 words - 100% (Tutor assessed)

Micro Brief

"You are required to create an A4 Landscape 300 dpi image that includes up to
3 of the best things you have created whilst a student on the course. These can
be from level 4 or 5, it’s up to you.

These pages will be used to produce a portfolio. This document will then become
a teaching resource for Level 6, demonstrating to your ambitions and themes for
the forthcoming year.

TASK - 1 Flattened 300 dpi A4 Jpeg file to be deposited on the Mac in the
corner Workshop by Wednesday 1st Oct 4pm.

These images will be discussed briefly with the tutors during forthcoming group
tutorials in the cube.

A4, Dimensions 297 x 210mm, landscape.
Black and white, or full colour."

Above are two of the stills I created during my Fractal project last year. This project was the first project where I felt truly at home with what I was doing and the path I was taking. It was a major stepping stone in getting to the point where I am now, with the future goals I have set myself. To have a look at the work I did during this project please go to:


"This unit provides you with the opportunity to select from a range of briefs so that
you can focus on those aspects of illustration that you feel are important for your
self-development. You can either source a live brief or competition (this could
involve submitting editorial imagery to magazines, producing artwork/products for
exhibition or entering an international student design competition) or create a
project based on your own interests and themes. Such self-directed projects are
referred to as Authorial illustration and offer the Artist the opportunity to pursue
their own interests and enthusiasms through their practice.

There are options to take on more that one brief during this unit, and decisions
about which you should choose should be negotiated with your tutors through a
learning agreement. What ever you decide to tackle must relate to your career

If you select a competition brief you are encouraged to produce work around a
subject that interests you. You could even use a competition brief as a catalyst
for an authorial project.

Authorial projects often blur the boundaries between personal and commissioned
work. They have become an increasingly important area for illustrators in terms
of research, development and as a means of marketing work to a wider
audience; opening up new contexts for illustration. Proactive designer/illustrators
are constantly reinventing themselves through exciting self-initiated projects.

Students can choose to work as part of a collective for this unit, but must be
specific about their role within the group, their working practices, research and
outcomes, and express this in their own individual learning agreement."

Pre-Major Project

"Unit Leader: Joel Lardner

Ref: ILL651

Level: 6

Credit: 20

Weighting: 1.0

Study Time: 200 hours

Duration: 11 weeks

Commences: 29th September 2014

Deadline: 10th December 2014

Description: This unit requires you to define the direction of the remainder of your studies, and to consider your aims and ambitions beyond the BA Honours programme. It builds upon theoretical and practical work previously undertaken, and as it develops it confirms the orientation of your Level 6 work. You are required to focus upon the development of a project that draws upon and extends the engagement with theory and practice taking place in Level 5. You will also be required to critically reflect upon the project and the learning that has taken place. Through the development of a learning agreement you will also consider how your proposed project will advance your development towards more long-term aspirations. For example towards and MA or a particular vocational opportunity (including authorial Illustration)

Outline Syllabus: This will vary according to the academic needs and interests of individual students. The research and preparatory work for your project will be articulated in your Learning Agreement. You will be encouraged to locate your practice within a theoretical and contextual framework in order to identify pathways for your career, and further ways in which to develop. You will need to outline the timetable for development and completion of the work. It is hoped that finished work will be displayed in an exhibition. To this end work is to be to a standard appropriate to public exhibition.

Method of delivery: Individual projects, independent study, tutorials, group critiques.

Aims: A1 - To provide further opportunities for extended independent study.
A2 - To encourage you to focus upon an individual project as a means of exploring and clarifying concerns for the remainder of your Level 6 studies.
A3 - To consolidate your ability to respond to the inter-relationship between theory and practice evaluation.

Learning Outcomes: On completion of this unit you will be able to:
LO1 - Demonstrate the ability to develop a sustained piece of independent creative work.
LO2 - Clarify theoretical and practical areas for exploration during the subsequent Major Project in relation to your self-development and vocational aspirations.
LO3 - Demonstrate your ability to develop creative work which responds to theoretical issues and questions."