Friday 10 October 2014

Pre-Major Project

"Unit Leader: Joel Lardner

Ref: ILL651

Level: 6

Credit: 20

Weighting: 1.0

Study Time: 200 hours

Duration: 11 weeks

Commences: 29th September 2014

Deadline: 10th December 2014

Description: This unit requires you to define the direction of the remainder of your studies, and to consider your aims and ambitions beyond the BA Honours programme. It builds upon theoretical and practical work previously undertaken, and as it develops it confirms the orientation of your Level 6 work. You are required to focus upon the development of a project that draws upon and extends the engagement with theory and practice taking place in Level 5. You will also be required to critically reflect upon the project and the learning that has taken place. Through the development of a learning agreement you will also consider how your proposed project will advance your development towards more long-term aspirations. For example towards and MA or a particular vocational opportunity (including authorial Illustration)

Outline Syllabus: This will vary according to the academic needs and interests of individual students. The research and preparatory work for your project will be articulated in your Learning Agreement. You will be encouraged to locate your practice within a theoretical and contextual framework in order to identify pathways for your career, and further ways in which to develop. You will need to outline the timetable for development and completion of the work. It is hoped that finished work will be displayed in an exhibition. To this end work is to be to a standard appropriate to public exhibition.

Method of delivery: Individual projects, independent study, tutorials, group critiques.

Aims: A1 - To provide further opportunities for extended independent study.
A2 - To encourage you to focus upon an individual project as a means of exploring and clarifying concerns for the remainder of your Level 6 studies.
A3 - To consolidate your ability to respond to the inter-relationship between theory and practice evaluation.

Learning Outcomes: On completion of this unit you will be able to:
LO1 - Demonstrate the ability to develop a sustained piece of independent creative work.
LO2 - Clarify theoretical and practical areas for exploration during the subsequent Major Project in relation to your self-development and vocational aspirations.
LO3 - Demonstrate your ability to develop creative work which responds to theoretical issues and questions."

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