Friday 10 October 2014

Micro Brief

"You are required to create an A4 Landscape 300 dpi image that includes up to
3 of the best things you have created whilst a student on the course. These can
be from level 4 or 5, it’s up to you.

These pages will be used to produce a portfolio. This document will then become
a teaching resource for Level 6, demonstrating to your ambitions and themes for
the forthcoming year.

TASK - 1 Flattened 300 dpi A4 Jpeg file to be deposited on the Mac in the
corner Workshop by Wednesday 1st Oct 4pm.

These images will be discussed briefly with the tutors during forthcoming group
tutorials in the cube.

A4, Dimensions 297 x 210mm, landscape.
Black and white, or full colour."

Above are two of the stills I created during my Fractal project last year. This project was the first project where I felt truly at home with what I was doing and the path I was taking. It was a major stepping stone in getting to the point where I am now, with the future goals I have set myself. To have a look at the work I did during this project please go to:

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